Thursday, August 26, 2010

Religious Support trip to FOB Warrior (19AUG10)

Took a chinook to FOB Warrior, southwest of Ghazni, to provide services for US personnel there. In the middle of the FOB is an old Afghan fort that was used by Al Qaida at one time. The troops call it "the castle." There is also a little stream that flows through the FOB and has trees growing on both banks! The Soldiers diverted the stream to make a little waterfall and built a bench at the bottom of the falls where you can sit in the shade and listen to the water (and the large generator about 10 feet away...sigh). The small chapel (right next to the MWR building, dubbed "The Devil's Den...coincidence? You decide) is also full of character. The chaplain has used spent brass from the 30 caliber cannon on the Polish Rosomack to make a cross, mortar shells to hold candles, and a large artillery brass as a bell.

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